Time management

Stress is a subjective experience. The perception of a stressor varies from one individual to another, according to genetics and life experience. However, there are common factors that trigger the stress response in anyone. This is known as the recipe of stress and involves:

  • Novelty

  • Unpredictability

  • Threat to the ego

  • Lack of Control

A good way to counteract stress is to work on these factors. There is a tool to reduce unpredictability and lack of control: time management. Time management is usually divided in three components: structuring (schedule, activities planning), protecting (avoiding interference) and adapting time to changing conditions (flexibility). Various studies have been conducted on different time management interventions, but their results were not conclusive. Recently, a study analyzed data from more than 50'000 participants, allowing a more precise, quantified assessement of time management effectiveness. They concluded that it has influence on job performance, academic achievement and wellbeing, with a greater extent for the latter.

Time management thus seems to be a helpful tool to reduce your stress. Up to you now to decide which strategy suits you best.